Insight and Talent Heat Maps
Committed to providing valuable insight on your competition, prospective employees, markets and customers.
When To Use: Market Entry Analysis
Our Insight Service is an excellent choice for your business if you are looking to enter a new market.
We identify existing competitors and potential new market entrants, we perform salary benchmarking and reviews, and we identify local talent hubs and available skill sets to help guide decisions around growth and expansion. In addition, we analyse current brand perception and communicate this back to your business.
When To Use: Competitor Analysis
Our Insight Service is a great choice for your business if you are looking to conduct competitor research and analysis.
We can perform an analysis of a firm’s structure, entities, partnerships, products and services, map a company’s hierarchical structure and create organograms, highlight specific departments, countries, or profiles of Board and Senior Executive teams, and understand and communicate relationships and reporting lines.
Visual Talent Insight: Heat Map
Our Heat Map services can help your business make data-driven talent decisions based on visually pleasing reports. Decisions and actions can thus easily be presented and justified to hiring managers and business leaders.
Talent data with a human touch.
While there are various talent insight tools that can be used by businesses to make hiring decisions, they do have their disadvantages: a single source of data scanned by AI. A lot of relevant data and information can easily be missed by making use of a single data source, such as networking sites, as sites like these may not be used in all regions of the world. Research Partners offer a different level of depth by adding the human touch. We use multiple methodologies and sources to collect data for our clients. We then take the process a step further by verifying our data with key personnel from each relevant segment, functional area and region.
Heat Map Sample (Click To View)

When To Use: Geographic Growth
Our heat maps are a fantastic choice for presenting data about your growing business. We help you uncover talent pools and identify locations based on employer concentration and needed skills and talent. This will ultimately lead to improved location selection which can lead to a competitive advantage and even cut candidate relocation costs.